“Extraordinary.[Back to Natural] touched on so many vital, crucial issues within our communities, within ourselves. As individuals and collectively, and you illustrated it so well, so dynamically. And I think it’s inspiring, and educational for all of us.”

— Actress, Kimberly Elise, Pan African Film Festival, LA (Click Picture for Video)

“This is the first natural hair documentary that deals with the politics.. it drives home a lot of the changes people believe in aren’t happening”

“…Really Necessary… Provides a much more broad [understanding of natural hair]”

— Meet the Critic, Colourful Radio - Click the pic for full audio review starting 19 minutes 30 seconds

“Back to Natural" is a revelation. Beautifully made... It brings into sharp focus the experience of pain and exclusion while also highlighting how, in simple and yet meaningful ways, people who have been oppressed and disparaged can find the inner strength to affirm their natural beauty... I came away from it even more deeply aware of the powerful ramifications of centuries of oppression, but I also came away more hopeful. This is a film that must be seen by people of all races and ethnic groups.".”

— Paul Wachtel, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at CCNY